"Exhibition Explores New Arrivals' Sense of Belonging.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 13 Jan. 2009, (https://www.theguardian.com/society/gallery/2009/jan/13/sense-of-belonging-exhibition. )
“Photography and Belonging | Princeton University Art Museum.” Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University, (https://artmuseum.princeton.edu/object-package/photography-and-belonging/128063. )
thephilosophytube. “Identity: A Trans Coming out Story | Philosophy Tube ★.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Jan. 2021,
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AITRzvm0Xtg&list=PLvoAL-KSZ32dRMGLza8Dw4xZK6_1ItjNr. )
Baumeister and Leary - Wabash College. (http://persweb.wabash.edu/facstaff/hortonr/articles%20for%20class/baumeister%20and%20leary.pdf. )
Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream
Fried, Ronald K. “A Quest for Belonging.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 9 Apr. 2010,
(https://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/11/books/review/Fried2-t.html?searchResultPosition=9. )
Contemporary Authors. . Encyclopedia.com. 23 May. 2022 .” Encyclopedia.com, Encyclopedia.com, 1 June 2022, (https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/educational-magazines/fried-ronald-k-1955. )
A Study of the Physiology of the Human Eye
Brous, Andi. “A Study of the Physiology of the Human Eye, a Careful and Meticulous Study.” Eurasian Journal of Science and Technology, Sami Publishing Company (SPC), 1 May 2021, (http://ejst.samipubco.com/article_130475.html. )
“Photographs: Meaningful Uses in Early Education and Care (Better Kid Care).” Better Kid Care (Penn State Extension),
(https://extension.psu.edu/programs/betterkidcare/early-care/tip-pages/all/photographs-meaningful-uses-in-early-education-and-care#:~:text=Photographs%20support%20a%20sense%20of,to%20their%20sense%20of%20belonging. )
Excerpts from the Tate Modern exhibition in London on 'Surrealism Beyond Borders'
-I wanted to highlight how surrealism became an outlet for so many kinds of artists for many different reasons, breaking and liberating themselves from social constructs and their inability to find belonging in our everyday reality and culture.
- Their exploration of the dream world, and the borders of reality are the seeking to visualize them not belonging in the structures of society and this reality, and the exploration of their identities.
(These are text excerpts from the pamphlet of from the exhibition)
"The need to belong to a group also can lead to changes in behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes as people strive to conform to the standards and norms of the group."
This made me think of code
Social roles and social norms can have a strong influence on attitudes. Social roles relate to how people are expected to behave in a particular role or context. Social norms involve society's rules for what behaviors are considered appropriate.
Comparing yourself with people in a group or place or whatever you (want to) belong to.
How does facebook effect our sense of belonging
Social Media as an Avenue to Achieving Sense of Belonging Among
College Students
Archiving Methods
- tattoos
- Chaotic drawer full with random stuff
- Photographs
- memories (the body as an archive)
- written Letters
-Youtube channel
-Family albums
-the body
-Music: CD's collections
What's da plan?
The body as an Archive
Tattoos are a way of archiving special moments or specifik memories.
Unintentional permanent things on your body
Intentional not permanent things on your body
MEMORY... through tattoos and scars
INSPIRATION: Using the body as an archive through tattoos and scars
Marina Abromovic
-Only allowing someone to document her scars
SHOPMoMA. “In Conversation: Marina Abramović and Marco Anelli.” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Mar. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiZjf-3WI78.
-Using tattoos to create permanent memories to fit into pieces for the investigation.
-The tattoos where the only memories that he had
Stephens, Chuck. “Past Imperfect: Christopher and Jonathan Nolan on Memory, Metaphysics and Memento: Filmmaker Magazine.” Filmmaker Magazine | Publication with a Focus on Independent Film, Offering Articles, Links, and Resources., 30 July 2020,